Addicting and healthy are two words that are not often used in the same sentence. However, I have an exception to this rule… green smoothies! Over the last two years I have found myself consuming these almost daily and when I don’t, I crave them! Since I began drinking smoothies regularly, I have found that I am far more energetic, my skin is clearer, and I crave sweets less often.


I would recommend green smoothies to people who 1) are trying to loose weight, 2) do not consume or enjoy vegetables on a regular basis, and 3) anyone trying to wrangle their sweet tooth. In one smoothie you can get in your daily dose of fruits and vegetables (though I would always recommend more!).


-Curb cravings

-Receive necessary vitamins and nutrients

-Weight loss

-Clearer skin

-Increased Energy


I highly attribute my weight loss (30 lbs total) to drinking green smoothies on an almost daily basis. Contrary to popular belief, I do not drink them as complete meal replacements and consider them more like a snack. I usually eat every few hours throughout the day with breakfast, a morning snack, lunch, an afternoon snack, and dinner. So, I will often have a smoothie with breakfast, mid-morning or as an afternoon pick-me-up.

The ingredients I use in my smoothies vary and they are always evolving, as I find new fruits and vegetables to add to the mix. Sometimes making healthier food choices can be expensive, but the items that I use in my smoothies are relatively inexpensive. Fresh fruit is ideal for making smoothies, but I have found that frozen bags of fruit are inexpensive and are great for people who are always busy and on-the-go. And as a student, I prefer this method!




1 frozen banana

6 frozen strawberries

1 cup of spinach or kale or a mix of both

¼ cup of orange juice

1 cup of water

2 tbsp of chia seeds

Combine all ingredients in blender (I use a Nutribullet and it works great for me). Blend for a minute or two or until smooth in consistency. If turns out thinner than you prefer, add more frozen fruit and blend again until desired thickness. If too thick, add more water and blend again.


xo Sara